month of November is dedicated to the holy souls in purgatory, so I thought it
would a great time to go over what the Church teaches about this doctrine. It
is safe to say that purgatory is perhaps one of the most misunderstood and most
often challenged teachings of the Church. Even among Catholics, it is a source
of confusion.
Showing posts with label Purgatory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purgatory. Show all posts
Sunday, November 10, 2013
The Holy Souls
November 2013 FGO by Bro. Jason Rhoad:
us begin by explaining what it is not. Purgatory is not a second chance. It is
not somewhere we can go after we die that gives us a second chance to be saved.
At the moment of our death, we will face our particular judgment and we will
know immediately what our eternal destination will be. Purgatory is also not an
eternal third place where people go who are not good enough to go to heaven,
but not bad enough to go to hell. At the end of time when Christ returns and
time gives way to eternity, purgatory will no longer exist. Only heaven and
hell will remain.
what is purgatory then? The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains it this
way "purification,
so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven," which
is experienced by those who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still
imperfectly purified" (CCC 1030). This purification is necessary because scripture
teaches us in Rev 21:27 that nothing unclean shall enter heaven. Yet we know
that we are all sinners and sin is incompatible with heaven. Therefore we must
be perfectly purified after death, but before entering heaven. The Church gives
the term purgatory (from the root word purge) to explain this process of being
purified after death.
of the common objections against this teaching is that the Catholic Church
invented the doctrine later on. The only trouble with that is that the
objectors can’t agree on just when that occurred. In fact, any date that is
proposed for its invention can be debunked by pointing to evidence of its
teaching earlier than the proposed date. It is true that the term “purgatory”
may not have appeared right away, but that has no bearing on the belief that is
behind the term. The Church was teaching about final purification after death
and the need to pray for the dead before the word purgatory came to be used to
describe this reality. Nor does the fact that the word is not in the bible have
any bearing on whether or not the teaching is present there. For instance, the
words bible, trinity, and incarnation are not in the bible either. But all
Christians agree that their underlying truths are all there, even if better
words to describe those truths weren’t used until later.
fact of the matter is that prayers for the dead go back to the earliest of
Christian times. The writings in the catacombs of Rome dating to the 1st
and 2nd centuries clearly show that the early Christians were
employing this practice. If the deceased were in heaven, they would need no
prayers and if they were in hell, no prayers could help them. All throughout
the early centuries of Christianity, we see evidence of this teaching. For
instance, in the 4th century, we see St. Monica asking her son
Augustine to offer masses for her soul once she dies.
key piece of evidence that this teaching goes back to the earliest of Christian
times is the fact that at no point do we ever see protests against it. We know
that the early church and the church throughout the centuries certainly
challenged new teachings. They wanted do know if a teaching was something that
was believed by their ancestors or if it was made up later on. Was this
something handed down from the Apostles? Surely purgatory would have been
considered a big time change if it had not been believed from the beginning.
Yet, we see no protests. It was not uncommon for councils to be called to
settle disputes like this. But we see absolutely no evidence of dispute at all.
what about the bible? Is purgatory scriptural? This can actually lead to a
larger discussion about the fact that nowhere in the bible does it say that
everything to be believed and practice has to be explicitly taught in the pages
of scripture. But even so, the answer is yes, purgatory is indeed scriptural.
In Mt 12:32 Jesus refers to the sinner who will not be forgiven in this age or
in the age to come. This implies that one can be freed from the consequences of
their sins after death. Also in Mt 5:26, Jesus refers to the sinner who will
not be released until he has paid the last penny. Perhaps a clearer reference
to this reality comes from Paul in 1 Cor 3:15. Here we see Paul describing the
day of judgment and how ones works are tried after their death. What happens to
the righteous man if his works don’t pass muster? “He will suffer loss, though
he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.” This loss can’t refer to
hell because no one is saved there. And he can’t be in heaven because there is
no suffering (fire) there. So where is this man? The Catholic doctrine of
purgatory is the only thing that explains this passage.
know too that belief in prayers for the dead pre-dates Christianity. The Jews
also practiced this before the time of Christ. We see in 2 Maccabees 12:43-45 a
direct approval of prayer for the dead: “"In doing this he acted in a very excellent and
noble way, inasmuch as he had the resurrection of the dead in view; for if he
were not expecting the dead to rise again, it would have been useless and foolish
to pray for them in death. But if he did this with a view to the splendid
reward that awaits those who had gone to rest in godliness, it was a holy and
pious thought. Thus he made atonement for the dead that they might be freed
from this sin.”
verse so clearly teaches the doctrine of purgatory that at the time of the
reformation, the reformers removed this book of the bible from their version of
scriptures in order to avoid believing in the doctrine. It is clear that
purgatory was a teaching that has its roots in the OT and was believed in from
the earliest of Christian times. The Catholic Church did not add this teaching
at some point in its history. Rather, it was the Protestants who changed on
this doctrine that had always been believed by Christians and by Jews before
them. So armed with this knowledge, let us not forget our brothers and sisters
in purgatory. The church triumphant in heaven, the church suffering in
purgatory, and the church militant here on earth are all one church. We should always
then, especially during the month of November, remember the holy souls in
purgatory in our prayers and in our acts of penance. One day, if we persevere
and leave this world in God’s friendship, it will be us who will want and need
the prayers of those still on earth to aid in our purification. So let us never
cease to offer ours for those there now.
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